Voice Arena™ for iOS
Voice Arena™ from Voice Diagnostic Sweden AB is a voice coach in app format. It helps you train your voice a time tracker in app format.
I was a part of a small development team during my practice time, LIA-period, when I studied at Malmö Yrkeshögskola. When I started my practice period in late April 2023 the app was more or less ready for release. I worked with the further development of the app as well as with bug fixing.
During my time at Voice Diagnostic I contributed with:
- Redesign of various views – I had to make a design proposal in Figma before I implemented the new design in the app. Changes made by me that is visible in the app is the Login screen, the GDPR- and General Terms and Conditions screen.
- Writing XCTests
- Manual testing
- Translations
- Modifying how various views behaved depending on the end users privacy settings
- Bugfixing